Ist, October, 2015; India International Centre,
Main Auditorium
We are made up of the same five elements- earth, water, fire, air and space- that constitute the universe. We are the soil. We are the earth. What we do to the soil, we do to ourselves. And it is no accident that the words “humus” and “humans” have the same root. This ecological truth is forgotten in the dominant paradigm because it is based on eco-apartheid, the false idea that we are separate an independent of the earth and also because it defines soil as dead matter. However, Living Seed and Living Soil are the foundation of living and lasting societies.
In this Year of Soil, our annual festival Bhoomi is dedicated to Maati Maa, the ever nurturing Living Soil so as to renew our commitment to her. In a day long festival, featuring panel discussions and the Culture of Soil then theater, film, music and an exhibition.